Package charva.awt

Provides the base classes and interfaces for the CHARVA Text User Interface.


Interface Summary
Adjustable The interface for objects that have an adjustable numeric value constrained within a bounded range of values.
ItemSelectable The interface for objects that contain a set of items, one or more of which can be selected.
LayoutManager Defines the interface for classes that know how to lay out Containers.
LayoutManager2 Defines an interface for classes that know how to lay out a Container based on a layout-constraints object.
Scrollable The interface for objects that can be contained in a ScrollPane and scrolled within a Viewport.

Class Summary
BorderLayout A concrete implementation of LayoutManager that lays out its components around its edges.
Color A class used to represent the color values available on a text terminal.
ColorPair This class is used to represent a color-pair (a combination of a foreground color and a background color).
Component Component is the abstract superclass of all the other CHARVA widgets.
Container Container is the abstract superclass of Window and Panel.
Dialog The Dialog class is similar to a Frame but includes a blank area around the border frame.
Dimension Encapsulates the width and height of a component in a single object.
EventQueue Correct manage of FocusEvents ( Lost and Gained )
FlowLayout A concrete implementation of LayoutManager that lays out its components left-to-right.
Font The Font class in the CHARVA package exists for "compatibility" with AWT; the only useful information it holds is whether the style is BOLD or not.
Frame A Frame is a top-level window with a title and a border.
GridBagConstraints This class defines constraints used for laying out components in the GridBagLayout layout manager.
GridBagLayout This is an approximation of the AWT GridBagLayout layout manager.
Insets The Insets class specifies the blank space that must be left around the inside of the edges of a Container.
PlaybackThread This class reads a scriptfile line by line, parses each line into a time-interval and a gesture-specifier (either KEY or MOUSE), and fires the specified keystroke (or mouse-click) after the specified delay.
Point Represents a point in (x,y) coordinate space, with integer precision.
Rectangle The Rectangle class respresents a rectangular area of the screen; the boundaries are INCLUSIVE (i.e.
ShutdownHook This class is used to clean up the ncurses environment and restore the terminal settings when the application terminates, whether the program exits intentionally or because of a signal such as SIGTERM, SIGHUP etc.
Toolkit Correct manage of FocusEvents public FocusEvent getLastFocusEvent() protected void setLastFocusEvent(FocusEvent ev_ )
Window The Window class represents a "toplevel" window with no decorative frame.

Exception Summary
IllegalComponentStateException This exception is thrown when a CHARVA component is in an illegal state for the requested operation.
TerminfoCapabilityException This exception is thrown by the Toolkit class when it cannot find a requested capability in the terminfo database (or when it finds the requested capability but it is of the wrong type).

Package charva.awt Description

Provides the base classes and interfaces for the CHARVA Text User Interface.